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Social Value has become a requirement of many public sector tenders since the introduction of the Public Services Act 2012 (better known as the Social Value Act). More and more local authority commissioners are adding a weighting of social value to all their tenders.

However, the application of these principles has been weak due to two main issues. Firstly, a lack of clarity on how local authorities are measuring social value in proposals from bidders and secondly how are developers able to apply competitive social value proposals without understanding the value of outcomes in a fiscal, economic and wellbeing context.

This is where SeerBridge can add significant value to your business by guiding your business through the unenviable task of identifying how and where social value should be added into bids and tenders. We are experienced in providing bespoke social value solutions to support your tenders by assessing the appropriate local suppliers and services to work with on your developments.


  • Expert response to specific social value questions set in formal tenders.
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