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What we do

The Community Benefit Consultancy

SeerBridge places community interest at the heart of our services. Therefore we aim to engage communities, create opportunities, tackle inequalities and transforms lives. We embed our social value principles into our work with our clients and partners.

We create social and economic benefits for our real estate and built environment clients, and the local communities where development is occurring. As a result of taking a community led approach, we provide solutions with the greatest amount of social impact.

Seerbridge ‘bridges the gap’ between developers, local authorities and communities. We do this through partnering with the best community engagement organisations who can embed local people and groups within in the development process, creating a platform for co-operation and collaboration.

Through our five pillars of social value robust community benefit is created. By ensuring that these five principles are considered and embedded SeerBridge delviers results for the communities it works with.

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SeerBridge's 5 Pillars of Social Value

Enhancing Community engagement

SeerBridge develops productive and strategic relationships with local community groups to enhance community benefit

Increasing Employment & Apprenticeships

SeerBridge works with its clients and their supply chain to create sustainable employment and apprenticeship

Integrating Marginalised groups of society

SeerBridge realises the potential that exists within marginalised groups and seeks to engage them in meaningful experiences

Fostering relations with public sector

SeerBridge works closely with Local Authorities to ascertain the local need and where value can be added

Improving Training & Skills

SeerBridge identifies employability partners who support local training agendas and reduce the skills gap

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